What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathic Principles 

Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy founded in the 1870’s by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still. He described the following principles: 

  • The body is a whole, integrated unit  

  • Structure is related to function

  • Each system is inter-related

  • The body has self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms

A Holistic Approach

At your first consultation we will take your history to understand how your symptoms affect your wellbeing. Then we assess your body looking for imbalances, restriction or tension. We use osteopathic, orthopaedic and neurological examination to determine a diagnosis for your symptoms. Using hands-on techniques, we aim to restore balance to your whole body. Osteopathic care is suitable for your whole family, from newborns through to the elderly.

Osteopathic Treatment

Osteopaths draw upon a wide range of techniques to bring balance to your whole body.   

  • Soft tissue massage and stretching,

  • Counterstrain (indirect myofascial release),

  • Functional technique (indirect joint release),

  • Biodynamic Osteopathy in the cranial field,

  • Lymphatic drainage,

  • Joint articulation,

  • Muscle energy technique (MET),

  • Visceral techniques

  • High velocity low amplitude thrust (HVLA)

Portland Osteopath Dr. Michelle Sherriff

Dr. Michelle Sherriff is an osteopath with over 20 years experience helping people with pain and consults at Portland Osteopathy and Wellness Group.

To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease
— Dr. Andrew Taylor Still