
Prenatal Care Michelle Sherriff Prenatal Care Michelle Sherriff

Shortness of Breath in Pregnancy

There are several factors related to shortness of breath during pregnancy. Osteopathic treatment can help your body adjust to some of these changes, allowing an easier more efficient breath.

Shortness of Breath in Pregnancy

An estimated 60-70% of women experience shortness of breath during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester.  

There are several factors related to shortness of breath during pregnancy.  Osteopathic treatment can help your body adjust to some of these changes, allowing an easier more efficient breath.

Factors to consider: 

  • Uterine distension 

  • Changes in lung volume

  • Altered thoracic biomechanics

  • Elevation of the diaphragm

  • Increased progesterone

Uterine distension from a growing baby causes gradual changes in lung volume due to altered thoracic biomechanics and elevation of the diaphragm muscle. The diaphragm is a large, dome-shaped muscle located at the base of your lungs.  It is the principle muscle of breathing and has attachments to the xiphoid process (the bottom of the sternum), the inner costal cartilages of ribs 6 to 10, the arcuate ligament and the lumbar spine.  During pregnancy the diaphragm moves up approximately 4 cm from its normal position which leads to mild compression of the lungs.  Hormonal changes can also contribute with an increase in progesterone, resulting in a deeper breath. 

How can your osteopath help? 

Osteopathic treatment may involve joint articulation of the thoracic spine and rib cage to release any restrictions. The diaphragm muscle can be released directly or indirectly to improve function. Osteopathy in the cranial field restores balance to the whole body including the sympathetic nervous system and nerve supply to the diaphragm.

What can you do? 

If you need more help with managing shortness of breath during pregnancy make an appointment with your osteopath

Read more about osteopathy and pregnancy

osteopaths near me

Dr. Michelle Sherriff consults at Portland Osteopathy and Wellness Group

127 Percy Street, Portland, Victoria

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